Fiat money is a currency (a medium of exchange) established as money, often by government regulation. Fiat money does not have intrinsic value and does not have use value. It has value only because a government maintains its value, or because parties engaging in exchange agree on its value.

Fiat money started to predominate during the 20th century. Since President Nixon's decision to decouple the US dollar from gold in 1971, a system of national fiat currencies has been used globally.
Fiat money is a currency (a medium of exchange) established as money, often by government regulation. Fiat money does not have intrinsic value and does not have use value. It has value only because a government maintains its value, or because parties engaging in exchange agree on its value.

Fiat money started to predominate during the 20th century. Since President Nixon's decision to decouple the US dollar from gold in 1971, a system of national fiat currencies has been used globally.
Preventing hyperinflation by burning fiat
The NFT artworks of fiat coins flattened by trains and removed from circulation, declare the beginning of a new era of decentralized finance.
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Since 1920, at least 55 hyperinflation events have taken place, destroying savings and creating economic hardship. Such events generally result from the mismanagement of financial systems and the economy by central governments. Bitcoin offers the world an alternative – a sound monetary system outside the control of governments and central banks.
Since 1920, at least 55 hyperinflation events have taken place, destroying savings and creating economic hardship. Such events generally result from the mismanagement of financial systems and the economy by central governments. Bitcoin offers the world an alternative – a sound monetary system outside the control of governments and central banks.
Hyperinflation — the killer of value
In economics, hyperinflation is rapid, excessive and typically accelerating inflation. It quickly erodes the real value of the local currency, as the prices of all goods and services increase, typically measuring more than 50% per month.

One of the ways to prevent hyperinflation is reducing the production of currency (coins and printed bills). The other is altering the currency basis. One form this may take is etherization, the use of a decentralized currency (not necessarily ETH) as a national unit of currency.*
Crypto is about banking the unbanked, and unbanking the banked. It’s attempting to usher in a more equitable financial system and open, free markets.
— Bankless
The rise of an ecosystem of financial services, known as decentralised finance, or DeFi, deserves sober consideration. It has the potential to rewire how the financial system works, with all the promise and perils that entails. The proliferation of innovation in DeFi is akin to the frenzy of invention in the early phase of the web. At a time when people live ever more of their lives online, the crypto-revolution could even remake the architecture of the digital economy.
— The Economist
The rise of an ecosystem of financial services, known as decentralised finance, or DeFi, deserves sober consideration. It has the potential to rewire how the financial system works, with all the promise and perils that entails. The proliferation of innovation in DeFi is akin to the frenzy of invention in the early phase of the web. At a time when people live ever more of their lives online, the crypto-revolution could even remake the architecture of the digital economy.
— The Economist
About the NFT project
The Flat Fiat project prevents hyperinflation by reducing the production of fiat currencies and altering the currency basis.

Flat Fiat, the NFT artwork collection, consists of flattened fiat coins made for numismatists, art collectors, DeFi, and DAO communities that want to change the base currency to decentralized crypto and accelerate the monetary revolution.

The fiat coins are taken from circulation, and they’re placed on the train railway, waiting to be flattened by a train. After that, they get scanned and minted as a unique NFT.
What you get
1. The NFT artwork
  • an NFT from the Flat Fiat collection¹
  • each digital artwork is a unique video of a different burned fiat coin
  • hand-made by The Miha Artnak and trains
  • proof of burn²
2. Revolution membership
  • proof of public service³
  • proof of belief⁴
¹ The collection of 137 coins consists of euro, dollar, pound, and yuan fiat currencies
² Flattened physical fiat coins will be displayed in a physical gallery
³ Thank you for preventing the hyperinflation
⁴ Thank you for believing in the new monetary revolution

You Own the NFT. Each of the FlatFiat is an NFT on the Internet Computer blockchain. When you purchase an NFT, you own the underlying FlatFiat, the Art, completely, including for commercial purposes — as long as you own the NFT.
Learn more about the project
Fiat coins flattened by trains will be available as NFTs. The burned physical coins will be exhibited in galleries and events as physical documentation of proof of burn.

*Limited edition of 137*
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Coming soon
1 US Dollar  ($)
1 Pound Sterling (£)
1 Chinese Yuan (¥)
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The Miha Artnak
The Miha Artnak is a Ljubljana-based artist, activist, and entrepreneur, active since the 2000s. His satirical paintings, environmental installations, and subversive performances make him one of the most talked-about artists of the last decade.